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betta fin rot - Quick Cure

23 11:20:46

Hi -
I have two great bettas and am worried about fin rot.  Not sure if it's started yet but want to avoid it if possible.  Have purchased Quick Cure but haven't used it yet.  They are in freshwater tanks (1 gallon each) and I'm beginning to swap out water daily to keep clean.  Also treat water with Amquel.  Should I use Quick Cure or something else?


Hi Sonia;

It is best not to just randomly add medication. Pathogens (bactera, fungi) can develop a resistance to the medication so when you really do need it, it can't do it's job. The best treatment for any disease is prevention. You do this for bettas by keeping the water clean, not overfeeding, and keeping the water at a proper temperature (76f to 82f). Make sure they are in a warm spot and remove any uneaten food as well as waste from the bottom. A small siphon hose or a turkey baster works well. Make sure the new water added is the same temperature as what's in their tank and be sure to use the AmQuel every time.

Keep up the good work and they should do great!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins