Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > betas fins seems clamped

betas fins seems clamped

23 15:01:22

Hi I have a male beta, have had him for about 6mos...his fins seem to be clamped, or stuck together...Im not sure of a better way to explain it. I do regular water changes and he is in a beta tank by heater..  Not sure what to do..he also seems to be swimming in a jerky manner...and spending alot of time right below the waters surface...also doesnt seem to be eating much...

can you help him?

Hi R;

Sounds like he has a case of finrot, bacterial or fungal infection. Below is a link to a good page about diseases in bettas. Just scroll down to read about each disease to help you determine which one he has so you can treat it appropriately;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins