Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Gross food problem for guppy!

Gross food problem for guppy!

23 11:09:46

This has been happening a lot and it is totally GROSS! I feed my guppy (Nickey) normal flake food. A few months ago he would gladly nibble on his food but now he refuses to eat. The food floats at the top of his 2 gallon tank and a few days later I find gross white goop on it. The food looks rotten and I think he won't eat it. Should I move him to the 8 gallon tank with the Mollies and barbs? What can I do for him? I want him to live longer. PLEASE tell me how to get rid of the GROSS FOOD! If you need any more info I will try my best to answer.

Thank-you for everything you do for me and all the times you save my fish!

ANSWER: He's probably cold.  Is there heat in his tank?  If there is no heat in his tank, put him in with the others.  Just watch your water conditions to be sure that it doesn't get dirty.  Change water 10% on weekends.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

He has heat abut it is really hard to clean his tank. I do a weekend clean for the main tank but the small one is way too hard. What is the white stuff? It makes the water look polluted and it spreads fast. It is gross and I don't want it to infect the main tank so if I put the guppy back will the main tank be affected?


It's probably fungus or bacteria, formed around food particles.

It sounds awful.

His water needs changing or he moved to the big tank.

When you move him, the white things shouldn't happen.

Please watch how much you feed fish.  Nothing should go to the bottom.

Happy fish-keeping.
