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Angel fish, different eye colour

23 11:37:49

Hi Lynda, Thanks for you're time. I am an amateur freshwater tropical fishkeeper and have just bought an angel fish for the first time. It is still very young (about an inch long) and for the first couple of days it was so shy that it hid behind the water filter. It has now come out into the open and is getting along just fine. I noticed that its eyes are of totally different colour and this worries me. The left eye is a dark pupil surrounded by brownish markings, which looks quite natural as its the same colourings as the fish itself. The other eye however, is much different. It is more of a bright silver colour, surrounding the dark pupil. It looks quite simillar to gourami type eye. The eye is not cloudy nor protruding that I can tell, but I am afraid it might be the beginning of pop eye.. Not that I know much about it. I was eager in choosing you seeing the long experience you had in fish keeping. I wondered if you ever seen an angel fish with two different looking eye's.. Or if you suspect my fish has an ailment.  Thanks again, Simon Thomas.  P.s, I change my water very regularly. Ph buffered to 6.5,  ammonia nil,  nitrite nil,  nitrate around 10 ppm.

Hi Simon,
This has happened to me with a Marble Angel fish.  I was worried too, but she lived to be 10 years old.  I do not think your Angel would have Popeye unless she came from doubtful water conditions.  When Angels are kept in clean water, there is no danger of Popeye infection, unless it comes from injury.  Watch her closely, and if her eye starts looking worse, cloudy, or swollen, then you should treat her with a good antibiotic.  Until then, I would not worry about it.
I would just like to mention that Angel Fish should have lots of tall plants surrounding them.  They feel more secure, as Angels have lots of plants in their natural habitat.  It does not matter if the plants are real or silk.  They are really a "must have" when keeping Angels.  Also, one Angel needs at least 10 gallons of water all to himself...this is very important, and a varied diet.
I hope this helps..