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pleco attacking black moore

23 11:46:00

I have a 30 gallon hex tank with 3 fish. 1 pleco 1 black moore & 1 fan tail the tank has up since November but the moore (Larry) came to us from a 45 gallon in Feb. My pleco (Boots) has just recently begun chasing Larry from the bottom of the tank. I am not sure what the filtration system is but I do a 25% water change on a weekly basis in my 30 gal and my 55 gal. We have never really fed Boots any special diet, I was unaware I should. Could this be the cause of him suddenly attacking Larry? Thank you for your time and concern in my babies.

Hi Jessica;

It sounds like a territory issue. Plecos can be a territorial fish, especially as they grow larger and more mature. It could become a dangerous problem for Larry at night because plecos are nocturnal. Goldfish are not and can't see in the dark so Larry is at a distinct disadvantage. You could try feeding supplemental foods to Boots at night so he is more content in the dark. Our tanks can't grow enough algae for plecos to survive on anyway.

You don't have to buy any algae discs, wafers, pellets or any special fish foods though. I actually don't recommend them very often. They have too much protein and other extra ingredients that can easily foul the tank water. I go the natural healthy route with my fish.  The foods I use can be left in the tank for hours to be nibbled and rasped on by plecos. I have given mine raw sliced cucumber, squash, slightly cooked carrot chunks, cooked green beans, cooked peas, raw romaine lettuce, kale, and spinach. Just rinse and drop them in. Your goldfish will like them too, and goldfish actually require veggies in their diet so give them a little during the day, about 3 days a week. Give your goldfish a good quality flake or pellet 4 times a week. You could even mix the veggies and dry foods on a daily basis. Just give a little of each.

If those roommates don't get along better, Boots will have to be evicted... Well, moved to another tank anyway. Constantly being bothered will take it's toll on Larry and he will eventually get sick, even if there are no obvious injuries.

I hope they do better very soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins