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Fish seems conspitated

23 10:59:45

My Betta has not pooped in days, and has a horribly swollen stomach. He seems very depressed and stressed. I have been feeding him peas, to no avail. I suspect he may have ingested a pebble (or more than one), as I found a blood covered pebble in the filter the other day. Any thoughts? What should I do?

Hello, I am sorry to hear about your problem. The betta has an internal fluid build up. The survival rate is low for this particular infection. There is not a ton you can do, my main recommendation is that you add an antibacterial medicine to your water in a low dose. Do this for two days and if nothing improves, do a water change and add 1 teaspoon of epsom salt to the water. Leave that for 15 minutes and then do another water change. Hopefully everything works out for you!