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fish question

23 13:55:07

About two weeks ago i cleaned my freshwater tank out to make a african tank, which i had before.  What is the proper temp for the tank. So far they are doing very well. I have 6 small cichlids in a 30 gallon with lots of hidden spots for them is that too many fish

Hi Kelly,
Most african cichlids get big 10 inches and more, I would have to know which African Cichlids you have in your tank.  They do well in 76-79 degree temperature, with a PH of 8.0.  To give you more details, I would have to know which fish you have in your tank.  Some live in hard water, others in moderately hard water. If you know that your African Cichlids will grow to about 4 inches, then hopefully you shouldn't have any problems.   Some African are more aggressive than others.  If you would like to know more, I would need more details.