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Electric Yellow Cichlid

23 13:57:35

Could you please help me with what is probably a very basic question? I have recently acquired a 55 gallon tank and would like to set it up with Electric Yellow Cichlid's but I would also like some other brightly colored fish in there as well. Could you please tell me what my options are that will habitate well with the cichlid's? I would like some blue's and vibrant reds in the tank. I haven't had a tank for many years and then it was a 10 gallon a 5 gallon and a 2 gallon with the basic tetras and betas. I would like eventually to go salt water to get the vibrancy I would like in the colors but in the meantime would like to start with the Electric Yellow. Thanks for your time!

Sorry, for taking so long to answer this.

Only other african cichlids can be mixed with african cichlids.

Look here-

That should give you a good idea of what you can add.