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My Goldfish looks in pain.. :-(

23 11:18:02


poorly fish..
I have just gone to clear my gold fish tank and noticed 1 of them (4in total all vailtail) is floating upside down but extremely bloated... pretty much double the size... i have researched on google but there is so much different information i dont know whats best... the tank is fairly big and they are about an inch in size.. please help... i dont want to end its life if its a temporary thing!!!

Fancy goldfish are one of 3 types of fish i don't like. They are very pretty, but they have so many genetic deformities it is virtually impossible to avoid or treat most things like this. One thing that might work, is hold the fish with it's out up and tail down and give the fish a VERY gentle squeeze. Sometimes they inhale lots of air in transport and this helps them get it out. I'm very sorry you're having problems, and sorry your fish is in pain.