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Oscar with swollen eye

23 11:45:36

Hello.  I have an oscar with a swollen eye.  The area around the eye is swollen & also the actual eye it's self.  He can see out of it, but the eye is also cloudy.  I have tried melifix (sp?) & a couple other chemicals, that were recommend that I try.  None have worked.  He's had it for around a year.  It gets worst some times & I use the melifax a couple times until it's under control, but never goes away & always remains swollen.  It has to hurt.  Can you help me???  Thanks!

Hi Melissa,
  Usually swollen eyes start out either as a result of mechanical injury (being bitten by another fish) or as the result of stress.  This can be due to bullying by another fish or poor water quality. Removing the stressor early on can sometimes reverse the problem.  Sadly, once it becomes chronic I have seldom seen it reverse. That said, as a start,
be sure that your fish has top quality water. You should be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week. That is the most important thing to do and will give him the best chance to fight the infection.  

-- Ron
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