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Goldfish with white spots developed and swimming on side

23 13:57:05

My fish has developed the above symptoms and I am not sure what to do to help.  The other fish in the tank are OK but I have taken him out and put him in a clean bowl of water.  He has been like this on and off for about three weeks.  I have fed him tetra fin and daphnia.

Hi Nicky,
  If they are little white dots that sort of look like icing sugar all over the fish, then your fish has a disease called Ick, which is not surprising because most goldfish have it.   You need to buy a product called Rid-Ick or Quik-Cure or one of the other ick remedies and use it according to the directions.  Time is important when treating ick, i.e., the longer you wait, the less likely you will be successful in treating the fish.

-- Ron
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