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My Beta isnt eating

23 14:24:02

Sometimes he tries to eat the food (he managed to eat the same food just fine for about two weeks after I got him, it's called Betta Bio-Gold) but it pops back out of his mouth.  Now he often just ignores the food without even trying to eat it.  He is still swimming around, but something seems off and I am very worried about him.  I had been changing his water completely once a week, but I just read that is too often.  What should I do?

Hi Liana,
 That isn't too often at all.  Once a week is perfectly fine.  
You can't change water too often.  In fact some aquarium systems have continuously changing water.  

 You CAN change too much at once.  If you change all the water at once, that tends to disrupt the natural colonies of bacteria that are needed to keep a tank healthy.  It is far better to change 25% of the water once a week, than 100% of the water every other week.

-- Ron
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