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Pregnant Sucker??

23 13:57:36

I have a 120cm tank. Its been set up now for 7 months. I have 2 filters in the tank. I checked the pH levels yesterday and everything was fine. I have about 15 tropical fish such as angels, catfish, varies of sharks and 2 algae eater suckers. I have had the suckers for about 5 months now. they were both about the same size when I brought them but one has doubled the size of the other. I noticed a couple of days ago that the smaller sucker had a bloated stomach and wouldnt move around much or would be hidding in their cave i think, but I went to check it today and its not hidding in the cave any more, its stomach is back to normal and its swimming fine. Has it layed eggs? If it has, is there anything I can do so the other fish dont eat them?
Thank you

Hi Lorin;

It's possible it laid eggs but in a community tank it's very hard to save them. If the other algae eater isn't a male the eggs aren't fertile anyway. They are probably gone already (eaten by others) but lift up the cave and see if there is anything attached to it or under it. You could put the cave with the eggs in a heated isolation tank with an airstone and see what happens. You never know!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins