Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Have pictus catfish ever been known to be electric fish?

Have pictus catfish ever been known to be electric fish?

23 15:09:13

I am very new to the fish hobby, and recently purchased a pictus catfish. I thought I could feel the bag "vibrating" while holding it with the fish inside, and when introducing it to my aquarium, I'm positive that I heard what I would consider to be a "buzzing" noise come from the catfish. I have researched the fish online, and nowhere can I find any mention of it being an electric fish. Is there another answer for the behavior I observed, or do I just have a freak-of-nature here?

Hi Corey;

Sure is weird isn't it?! It isn't electric at all really, they just kind of "vibrate" to scare off predators. They kind of make a croaking sound when out of the water too. My catfish known as a "talking cat" makes the noise and vibration too. It startles other fish and animals so they might have a chance to get away from something that could harm them. Just a defense mechanism.

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