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Fish to think about

23 11:10:15

Hi. Im Mason and im thirteen. I bought a ten gallon fish tank today (my first tank) and so far it is looking good. I have already asked another expert on this website and he says i shouldn't try to get tiger barbs in the ten gallon as tiger barbs usually want six in their school, and a ten gallon will only fit four. Are their any other fish i should consider (i want to stay with fresh water, tropical fish. NO GOLDFISH!!)

Hi Mason,

I've got a great recommendation for you.

I have Neon Tetras, Black Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras and Zebra Danios, Leopard Danios and Lacefin Danios.  They do great together.

In a 10 gallon tank, with a very good quality hang on back filter (rated for 30 gallons, not 10), you can put in fish at a rate of 1.5 inches of fish per gallon.

Tetra mature to just over 1" and don't poop much.  You could put 10 Tetra in the tank.

You could put in 8 tetra of different varieties, and 2 zebra fish.

You can also put mystery snails, ghost shrimp, mussels, and clams in the tank and they don't count as fish...they filter the water or clean the environment, so they are beneficial.

I keep 4 mystery snails in a 20 gallon, along with mussels and clams, and my tetra varieties are in a school and do rather well.

You should also consider getting African Dwarf Frogs.  They stay very small, and a frog or two might be fun to watch.  I feed mine frozen bloodworms and they are oh-so-cute to watch eating.  Ours have been chirping all week...breeding season. :)

You should also consider a catfish.  Corydoras are great bottom feeders and keep the bottom good and clear of food.

Loaches are a lot of fun.  Kuli Loaches are awesome.

Here are some small fish images of interesting, colorful and exciting fish.  :)

These are my recommendations.

Leopard Danio - looks like a little trout (being a fisherwoman, I love these!) -

Cardinal Tetra -

Neon Tetra - I love mine -

Black Neon Tetra -

Panda Corydora -

Botia - I recommend "yo yo botia".  They stay smaller - They can reach 6 inches, but by then, you will probably get a bigger tank, lol - it's quite addictive to have nice fish -

Crowntail Betta -

There are tons of fish available that stay small.  I hope my advice helps.  I certainly like odd fish, so I don't know your taste, but here, I like very bright, cheery, fun fish and I like fish who get along with everyone else.

These recommendations should all be safe in the same tank, as well.

I have an outlet to buy mussels, snails, and such on Ebay, and I recommend looking there to see about buying those, if you are interested.  The guy sells 2 mussels in his ad, but sends you 3. :)

It's a great deal.

I really hope this helps.  Hapy fish-keeping!
