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Beta Flaring

23 14:27:20

Is "Flaring" good for the Beta? In other words should I show him his reflection all the time, part of the time, or not at all? Being that the Flaring is a result of the fish becoming aggressive, I don't see how it can actually be good for them, but a lot of the fish stores and etc. actually sell tanks that encourage this. Also, it seems as though Rocky (my Beta) doesn't do anything but just kind of float unless I put a mirror to his bowl, then he gets all excited. So, I'm confused as to what to do. Please help. Thanks in advance.


Flaring is a good thing. Betta are aggressive in nature any way and will be aggressive toward other fish whether or not you give them a mirror. It allows them to stretch out their fins and use their natural instincts and get a bit of exercise. I typically will hold a mirror (well, place a mirror) in front of each of my Betta tanks for about 20-30 minutes a day.

Hope this helps!
