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Air Pump

23 15:00:29

I have a 2 port elite 802 air pump. I am currently regulating it through a 3 port gang valve. I am using 2 ports and running the air through a long black air stone. I am having a few problems however, the air in 1 of the stones is concentrating at the end of the air stone unless I have the air full blast in which case the water is too turbulent (month or month and a half old stone) and I am concerned about the mechanical restriction I may be placing on the airpump. I am running both ports into the 1 gang valve and I am concerned about the mechanical restriction this may be causing. So I guess I'm looking for a solution for the black air stone (if it may be cloged and needs to come out for a while or if it needs to be replaced, and if it does with what?) Also the airpump is placed on a table next to the aquarium and is sort of loud. Is there any way to reduce the noise coming from the airpump. Thank you.

Hi Luc,
   What many people don't realize is how much pressure water exerts.  Why this is important is because the exact depth of the airstone can really change its performance.  Many air pumps can pump fine when an airstone is up near the surface, but put the airstone a foot down in the water and the air flow drops dramatically.   

  The same thing applies to clogged airstones.  A little clogging and suddenly your airflow really drops.  I would suggest that you consider getting a different airstone.  

  The noise is a tricky one to deal with.  You could place the pump on a piece of cloth -- that will help quite a bit, but be sure that the pump doesn't vibrate right off the table.  If the noise REALLY bothers you, consider getting what is called a linear piston pump.  They are very expensive, but very quiet.

-- Ron
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