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Yoyo Loach feeding

23 14:27:47


I have a 29 gallon tank with a heater and filter.  I own... 3 platies (and some babies), two zebra danios, three leopard danios, four neon tetras, two glowlight tetras, 1 peppered catfish, 1 plecostomus, a LOT of snails, and 1 yoyo loach.

I am planning on going on a vacation shortly, but a friend will come in and give my fish some 3-day fish feeder pyramids every 3 days.

Anyway, I was wondering if there was a certain type of food that my yoyo loach should be getting or if he will be fine just eating snails?  The whole reason I got him was to help get rid of the snails while I am gone, seeing as I have a serious snail problem.  I was thinking of trying a clown loach, but I have heard it will grow to be to big for my tank.

One more thing.  I do not see much of my yoyo loach.  I know they can dig, but shouldn't he come out from under the gravel to feed?  Or are yoyo loaches nocturnal?

Thank you a bunch,


Yoyo loaches are nocturnal they are also bottom feeders so what the fish don't eat he will. Your loach should be just fine eating snails and leftover fish food along with the pyramid feeders.

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