Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My Tank Stock ([un] suitable?)

My Tank Stock ([un] suitable?)

23 14:12:20

I have a small school of five black tetras (gymnocorymbus ternetzi), a (as of now) breeding group of three peppered corydorases (corydoras paleatus), a small clown plecostomus (panaque maccus) and a small male sunburst platy (xiphophorus maculatus). Im concerned about the one inch of adult sized fish per gallon of tank volume. Is this tank stock suitable for a twemty. Will I have to get a bigger one?

Hello Giovanni,

A 20 gallon tank is fine for those fish.  Just make sure you do a 20% water change every 2 or 3 weeks with de-chlorinated water, and you should be fine.  Vacuum the gravel when you do the water changes and you should have a great aquarium.  If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

