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severum&jeweled cichlids swimming funny

23 12:02:23

Hi. I have just recently started an African tank (formerly a community tank, not new). It's a 55 gal, have 8 asst. cichlids(all less than 3-4inches),one spotted cat, and a pleco.I am running a biowheel 400 and a bio wheel 200, so probably more than enough filtration. I use aquarium salt as needed and due water tests every month for ammonia(0), trites/trates(0,>40ppm)...<-working on that now... and pH(8.8),(bi weekly changes 10-20%). My problem is my green severum and jeweled cichlid have recently been swimming at an angle (about a week now). Not bloated or lethargic acting, just really seemed to slow down and started the funny swim. Both are still eating, just not as enthusiastic.(not just mouthing food,they are ingesting) I was admittingly over feeding at first, and too much protein, but a few weeks ago I cut out brine shrimp, shrimp pellets, and went with a Hikari cichlid pellet. I just ordered some very good spirilina(like 60 or 70%). I have tried peas to help w/any gas, nothing. Any ideas what my problem is?? Got a chunk of money in this project, but don't like adding too many chemicals @ all to my tank. Any guidance will be greatly appr. Thanks.

Hi Tim,
 Hmm...  green severums are actually from South America and they don't appreciate the salt or the high pH.  They prefer soft, acidic water. Jewel cichlids are from West Africa (as opposed to East Africa) and the water there is also soft and acidic.  Only East Africa has hard, alkaline water.

-- Ron
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