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African Cichlid swimming on bottom of tank

23 14:28:19

hi there!
I have an African cichlid in a 10 gal. tank. The past two nights I've noticed that he stays on the bottom of the tank. He is breathing, but movement seems to be kept at a minimum. He is practically laying on the rocks at the bottom of the tank. Today, he was swimming around fine so I'm assuming he doesn't have any injuries to his fins. But again tonight my sister noticed that he's "laying" on the rocks. I plan on changing the water tomorrow in the event that he has an infection I want to keep it as clean as possible. what could be going on with the little guy and do you have any suggestions for me? Thanks in advance!

Hi Megan,
  Have you been doing regular partial water changes?  It is important to change about 20-25% of the water once a week, every week to keep your fish happy and healthy.

  It is far better to do this small weekly changes than it is to change a larger bunch of water all at once (in fact, that can be quite dangerous for a fish).

-- Ron
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