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My Beta is wasting away!

23 15:05:24

  I have had my beta Southern Crane for about 2 months now.
At first he was ok, but lately I have noticed that his fins look
ragged and they're turning white. His side fins are completely
wasting away...they're almost clear.  Also, his face is patchy and
white.  I change his water about every 2 weeks, and I just bought
some melafix because I think maybe it is fin rot. I also think I
may overfeed him, but I only give him what he eats.....he always
seems really hungry. What do you think is wrong with him?


Hi Katie;

Make sure his water temperature is 80 to 85 degrees. Bettas do okay at 78 but if they are sick they need it higher. This is the first step because he can't heal no matter what treatments are used if he is too cold.

Change his water every week. Dirty water will deteriorate the fins and lead to infection. Overfeeding will contribute to it so you might want to cut back a bit and see if that helps him feel better physically too.

Look at his belly and see if it is thin or if there is a rounded appearance. If it is round, he may be constipated. Feed him peas until it looks better. I use frozen ones and just thaw one out in my hand, peel the round skin off and feed tiny chunks to the fish. Cut back on feeding after that. Some bettas are gluttons and we just have to help them watch their little waist lines.

If his belly is thin he could have an internal bacterial infection. Use "Maracyn 2" by Mardel. It is the only one readily available that absorbs inside the fish to treat internal infection. Thin belly could also indicate intestinal parasites. There are medications to add to his food you might find at the local fish store. Avoid treating both conditions at once. It might be too much for him. The higher water temperature will help kill infections and clean water will boost his immunity to help him heal. I think bacterial infection is what I would treat for first. Especially since his fins are affected.

If there are plastic plants in his tank you might consider removing them. Sometimes they tear the betta's fins. Live plants or silk aquarium plants are better if there have been problems with the regular ones.

I hope Southern Crane feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins