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Oscar Bloated Belly

23 14:47:14

Hello we have two oscars one is eating and acting normally the other is starting to get a bloated belly. It hasnt been eating in about a week i read that you said to feed the oscar thawed frozen peas but it wont eat so we have no idea on what to do. we also have two cat fish in the tank and a wei pro filter. could you tell us what you think is wrong with our oscar.

Hi Steven,
 I assume that the water in the tank is in good shape, i.e., you do regular partial water changes?  With oscars you need to be changing at least 20-25% of the water once a week, every week to keep them healthy.  Less than that and they tend to get things like hole in the head or intestinal infections which sounds like what your one fish might have.  It's really tough if the fish won't eat.  There are medications which claim to treat "bloat" but I have had little success with them.  I think your best bet is to make sure the water is the best that it can be and hope that the fish can fight this off itself enough to start eating again. Then try and get the peas into it to help clear its intestine.  

-- Ron
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