Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > I think my fish is sick!!

I think my fish is sick!!

23 14:24:56

QUESTION: I think my betas sick!! She hasn't been eating and she just stays around the bottom of the tank. Is this normal?

ANSWER: Hi Danielle;

Poor guy. He may have a swim bladder problem if he can't seem to rise upward in the water. Here is a link to information about that;

If he just seems lethargic he may need a water change or his water temperature has become too cold. All fish need at least a weekly water change. Bettas like a water temperature of at least 76f. Let me know if you need more help. I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She doesn't seem to be eating is that okay?

Hi Danielle;

Fish can go more than 2 weeks with no food at all so temporarily it is okay. Sometimes until a sick fish heals from whatever is wrong it has no appetite. It is important to figure out why she isn't eating though. If there is a water problem or the temperature isn't right or she's constipated or something it needs to be corrected so she can get better. Make sure you clean out the leftover food not eaten. It will rot and cause more illness if it's left in there.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins