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fry of fantail goldfish

23 14:01:33

My fantails just had a batch of children. Approximately 6 survived. I have 6 adult fantails in the pond. 2 of the fish are solid gold. 2 of the fish have gold and some white. 1 of the fish is white with some gold. The last fish is a calico.
It seems 5 of the children have straight tails. Only one has a fantail. Three of the fry are calico with straight tails. Three of the fry are black ranging in different shades. One of the dark fish has a fantail.
I guess what I want to know is if there is a predominant gene in one of my fantails that distorts the young and turns them back to straight tailed goldfish?
Also, how can I allow the safety and keep the big fantails from eating their eggs and young? I have several waterlillies, a large pickrel plant, water hyacinths, and water iris in my fish pond. I also would like to know if I can leave my fantails in the pond over the winter? Our pond is almost four feet deep. I generally bring my fantails in for the winter and put them in a tank. We live in Western Kentucky and water does freeze here in the winter months.
Thank you so much for any and all help.

Hi Susan,
 Unfortunately I am not an expert on fantail genetics so I can't tell you how many genes or what kind of genes control those characteristics. Sorry.

  The best way to protect the young is to have lots and lots of plants in there so the kids can hide.  

  I have never lived in Kentucky but my guess is that it will be too cold to leave the fish outside all winter.  At the least, it would be very risky.

-- Ron
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