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About my Beta Fish.

23 12:00:55

QUESTION: My boyfriend and I both got beta fish about 3 months ago. I just recently realized that my fish's right side of his face, on his gills are completely swollen. He wont eat, he just sit in his green tree. Literally two days ago I didn't see this and he was eating, and now his face is swollen and he has a loss of appetite. Is there anything I can do for him? Thanks, Jessica

Is his throat swollen too, or is it only his face and gills?  Are his eyes popping out?  Please give me more details as it could by many things.
If it is his throat, it would be his tummy, as just under the face, is where his tummy is.
Your little betta could be constipated.  Constipation is caused by poor diet, and if left untreated may lead to Swim Bladder Disease.  Cook a frozen pea until it is well cooked, and tender.  Remove the first layer and cut it in small pieces.  Feed the pea to your Betta one tiny piece at a time making sure that he eats it, and that it doesn't fall to the bottom of the tank.  Don't give him any food for two days.  If he hasn't wasted in two days, feed him another pea.  If he refuses to eat the pea, and if he is still swollen, you will have to treat him with antibiotics.  "Kanamycin" is very good for Swim Bladder disease, but if you cannot find it, "Tetracycline" or Furan 2 are also good.  Don't let this linger on, as Bettas need to be medicated quickly, at the first sign of disease.
A betta should be fed Betta pellets, Betta flakes, Daphnia, alternating each day.  He should have bloodworms once a week as a treat.  He should also fast one day a week, and on that day he should have a pea, and nothing more.  He should have 2-3 small meals a day pellets, next day flakes, and so on.  Example:  2 pellets for one meal.  His tummy is the size of his eye, we must always remember this.  The Betta is a real glutton, and we tend to overfeed him thinking we are doing the right thing, but we are killing him with kindness.
The Betta should be in at least 76 degree water.  Under 76 degree water he is cold.  He is a tropical fish, and tropical fish need water from 76 to 80 degrees.
Never bring the temperature up quickly, as this could hurt your betta.  If you do bring it up, bring it up one degree each day until you reach the right temperature.

It could also be gill desease.  Check your water to see if you have ammonia, or nitrates in it.  If so do water changes with a good conditioner until you are rid of it.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.   Water changes, and keeping his living place very clean is so important.  This disease may be caused by a parasite, bacteria, and poor water conditions.  It may be necessary to treat with an antibiotic, and if it is a parasite, you may need to treat with copper based medication.
You must be sure of what he has before treating, and your number one priotity now is to check his water, making sure it is very clean, and free of ammonia.  There are good medication at your Pet Store that will help your betta once you have diagnosed the problem.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks for your response. I looked at him this morning and now his other gill is starting to swell and it looks as if it is bleeding underneath his gills as well. His eyes do not look like they are popping out. I changed his water and made sure it was clean 2 days ago and I noticed it the next day. And all of a sudden he quit eating. I am going to change it once more today and see if he gets better because it could be the cleaner I put in there, it is a new kind and he might not be used to it. So I will do that and see what comes of it and keep you posted on how he is doing and what he looks like and if there are any changes. But thanks for all this information because this means a lot that someone really does care and can help out there!


ANSWER: Hi Jess,
What do you mean by cleaner?  "His bowl should be rinsed, and cleaned with water, and nothing else.  Use paper towels, and water.  You have me a little worried here.  Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying, but just incase, never never use cleaners to clean a fish bowl.

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QUESTION: Well it came with this cleaner stuff like you just put it in the water after you change his water and we got some new stuff and I read the back and it has ammonia in it. So I think it might be that. What do I do to get rid of the infection? I changed the water and did not put that stuff back in it. So I will probably need to get something to give him so he can get better. Because now it is spreading to his other side of his gills. I am really worried about him.


Hi Jessica,   
Without a conditioner, you could kill your betta.
Buy Stress Coat or Aqua Plus conditioner to put in your betta's water when you do water changes, and follow the directions on the bottle.  Give the right dose.
P>S>  You must buy a water conditioner for your betta.  There is one especially for bettas.  
I don't know what the ammonia stuff is that you bought, please give me the name before putting this in your water.
Without conditioner, your betta will die...he needs this, and it is very important.  If you have changed the water, and put your betta in this water without a water conditioner this is why his gills are red.  There are harmful metals in tap water, and chlorine, which conditioner removes.  If you don't act fast, and put some in your betta's bowl, you will lose him.  His gills are irritated, and he has trouble breathing.
I hope that it is not too late...