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my betta is sick?

23 14:22:00

Sometime a week ago two of my males got in a fight (because two were in a divided tank and somehow one got over) and since then I've separated them in different tanks to medicate.  My blue betta which I call blue blue, seems to have sustained damage to the body, as its starting to grow some white stuff on that area.  It seems like theres a bulge where it is now and the scale near that area is a bit raised.  Hes eating and active but I'm worried that something is going happen to him.  I have been medicating him with pimafix and melafix (for the fin and body damage) and he doesn't seem to be getting better.  Hopefully you can tell me what is wrong with him.  As for if you recommend any medications, can you tell me where I could get them, as it would be helpful. Thanks :)

You did very well with starting him off on the Mela and Pimafix. To me, this sounds like an infection that now has bacteria growing on it, and could possibly be the beginning of dropsy. The cause of dropsy is unknown, but it seems to happen when a fish has gone through something traumatic, like a fight. Its possible that his internal organs were damaged, which for a fish, is very deadly.What could be causing this is internal bacterial infection, viral, or fungal infection, internal parasites, or even cancerous tumors.

You've caught this early, very good. Now lets try to make him well again.

First, if your using aquarium salt don't, and change his water if you did. Because we don't know whats causing the infection, I would suggest picking up some Maracyn and Maracyn 2 tablets from you pet store. One covers gram positive and the other covers gram negative bacteria. Depending on the size of the tank you have him in your going to have to do this very carefully. Make sure you follow the dose directions to the letter, including timing and amount. This medicine is every strong and an over dose could kill him. You will have to cut the tablets up depending on how large your tank is. For example, if one tablet treats a 10 gallon tank and you have a 5 gallon, you'll cut the pill in half.

Even if this isn't dropsy, it sounds like a severe infection which Maracyn is amazing at treating. I've saved many of my own fish this way. Also, stop medicating him with the Mela and Pima while doing the Maracyn. Make sure you give him a complete water change to get the old medications out of the water. The fact that he's eating is a good sign he wants to get better.

Please let me know if you notice any other changes in his behavior.