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Betta fish is ill

23 11:07:41

My betta fish has been showing some severe symptoms of illness the past two days. We have had him for about a year, and a couple of months ago he became quite constipated. This cleared up eventually; however, he remained slightly bloated near his fins. Recently, it has become worse, he won't eat anymore, his color has faded, and he seems to be gasping for breath, floating at the top and not responding to anyone or anything unless it's to get air. He lives in a 2 gallon tank by himself with a temp of about 75-78 degrees. We have been cleaning his tank 100% on a regular basis and feed him pellets two times a day, 3-4 pellets.

I understand that these symptoms are a severe sign of illness, but at this point, we no longer know what to do. Is there anything possible that we can do to make him better? He has had problems in the past such as ich and he's been able to overcome, but his immune system has always been quite low.

Thank you.


If he still looks bloated then you might have to try and get him to eat a pea. Fast him for 2 days if you think he can handle it. Take a cooked pea and take the shell off. DO NOT feed him the shell because he will not be able to digest it. Once it has cooled, cut it in small pieces and feed it to him then fast him again for 2 days. If he hasn't eaten in 2 days, then you do not have to fast him. Pick one day a week to fast him and the next day feed him a pea. This will help prevent constipation. His heat is too low. It needs to be between 80 and 82 degrees at all times. If it gets too cold, he will not swim or eat. It would be better for him if he was in a 5 gallon tank. With the smaller tanks, it is too hard to try to get a heater in with him. Doing a 100% water change too often will also cause problems. Beneficial bacteria is sitting in the gravel. When you change all the water and clean the tank you remove this bacteria. Weekly 25% water changes with a gravel cleaning would be better for him. Another reason a 5 gallon would be better because it is easier to do the water changes. Let me know if you are able to get him to eat a pea or if you have any more questions. Good luck.