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fish poo

23 15:03:01

my goldfish poo is very long and thin. What should I do with that?
I feed them once a day with flakes and freeze dried blood worm alternately.

Thank you.

Hi Pauline;

They need some fiber in their diet. Goldfish do 'okay' on a regular basic diet but really benefit from raw romaine lettuce, peeled green peas, squash pieces, cucumber, cooked shredded carrots, etc. Give them every other day or so. These foods don't tend to rot or cause pollution in the tank nearly as fast as other foods so if they still float around in there for a day or so it's okay. The fish can nibble on them as they please. You might have to cut back slightly on the other foods so they aren't getting too much of those higher protein dry constipating diets.

Hopefully that will get things "moving" better for them.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins