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fish mates

23 14:37:00

Hi...I recently bought a beta fish and i was wondering if i can put him in the same tank with my other fish...I have a ten gallon tank and I have 2 tetras, 2 guppies, 6 tiger barbs and a algea eater...If i decide to put the beta in with the others fish will he kill them or will the other fish kill him....I would really like to hear from you soon....Thank You....

Bettas are also called Siamese Fighting Fish, and for a reason. any other long finned fish they will fight until one or the other dies. So definitely not, or you will end up with most of your fish dead.

Also, Tiger Barbs need bigger tanks than 10 Gallons. At least 30 is preferable, so I would recommend rehoming them and replacing them with a few more Tetras. Also, depending what sort of algae eater he is, he may grow longer than your tank.

Best wishes,