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trophical fish

23 14:48:37

hi it's been 2 month since i bought my aquarium. it has been cycled, and it's time to introduce more fish. So i bought a few tiger barb and sword tail. It's been two day since i introuce swordtail in my aquariuum. When i feed it all other fish come up and eat it. My sword tail stays at the bottom and never come and eat it. I don't know what's wrong with it. It's seems fine except it just not coming up and eatiing it. Please help, i don't want to lose my sword tail. please try your best...


Hello Jeeva-

Your swordtail is probably just very stressed out. It's normal for fish to stop eating after a drastic change in their environment. Periods as long as a week are normal. As long as each fish is getting enough food, your swordtail should be fine. It may even be eating off the bottom when you're not looking!

Hope this is helpful, and if things don't get better, feel free to write back.
-Amber Worman