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I think my fish is sick.

23 15:07:28

I have a Beta and I have had him for about 1 year and I sarted noticing he wasnt eating when I fed him. And today he has a buldge under his head and on the tips of his fins its turning black. I cleaned his tank again but what is worng and is there anything I can do to make him better?

Hi Justine;

He may be constipated. His stomach is below his head and it will bulge if he can't...."go". Also warm his water to 80 degrees by putting a light near him. This will help his metabolism. He is an old little fella now and just needs the extra help. Bettas live to be about 2 or 3 years old and they are already about a year when we buy them. Doesn't necessarily mean he is dying, just weaker than he used to be. It would also help to add a pinch of ordinary epsom salts to his tank. It helps constipation too.

Change his water at least once a week. The black on the ends of his fins indicates nitrite or ammonia poisoning from waste toxins. It is now healing, but just keep up water changes to avoid it in the future. If the tank is smaller than 1/2 a gallon, change it twice a week. Also avoid overfeeding. It will contribute to toxin levels too.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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