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black moor lost an eye

23 14:02:23

Hi Nick,
This afternoon during a routine feeding of my fancy goldfish tank, which is usually an all out frenzy of assorted fancies,  one of my small black moors had one of his globe eyes completely ripped out and possibly eaten as I can't see any trace of it in the aquarium.  Aside from the gapping creator left in the side of his head, the fish seemed fine after the incident, still eating and swimming around as usual.
Will this wound heal or should I consider destroying the fish.  I keep a 3% salt solution in the tank, is this enough to prevent infection, or will I need to isolate him and treat with antibiotics,  will Melafix work?.  

Hello Norman!

Wow, that is unfortunate. If he is still swimming fine, I would advise you to do exactly what you said.

Isolate him, and add melafix. Provide the utmost perfect water quality in the quarentine tank until it looks like he is getting better. I would not use antibiotics unless it appears that a infection is setting in. If that occurs, you'll need to diagnose the infection and react accordingly.
