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Hurt Oscar

23 14:51:01

I bought two Oscars together and one was slightly larger then the other. I didn't notice any injuries when I bought them. After the second day the slightly smaller one has a big part of his face (over the gill under the eye) missing. They were in the tank at the store together and I haven't seen any aggression from the slightly larger one. Anyway it's now a week later and the wound doesn't seem to be getting any better. In fact it looks like fungus has invaded the wound. The slighltly larger one is growing and now is noticeably larger while scarface has not grown any. Scarface however does not show any signs of weakness. He eats aggresively and is very lively. My questions is: Will that type of injury heal? If it doesn't will it prevent the fish from growing? I have ordered some quick cure to help him with the fungus by the way. The rest of the fish, 4 silver dollars and 4 tier barbs are fine. I have put salt in the tank as well.  

Hi Sumner,
  I wouldn't add any more salt.

  That type of injury might heal.  I can't say for sure, but cichlids are pretty tough and I have seen some really incredible wounds heal up perfectly.  And, no it won't prevent him from growing.  However, I strongly suspect that the other oscar will attack him again and that could prove fatal so you should strongly consider separating them.

-- Ron
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