Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > genitals


23 15:02:26

i have a bloodparrot who has lately had a red "mass" coming from the genitals. it has gotten worse and tonight it has what looks like eggs or something similar coming from it. i don't know if the fish is a male or female. i don't know what i should do(can't exactly take it to the vet). i don't want the fish to be suffering. any advice?

Hi Anna,
 I have seen this before. Basically it is part of the ovary extruding from the vent.  It isn't good.  It may reflect physical damage to the ovary or it may indicate an infection in the ovary.  Unfortunately there isn't much I can offer in terms of advice on how to treat it.  In some cases, it does simply go away and that may be the best you can hope for.  

-- Ron
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