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fish bowl

23 14:53:03

Hi.  I want to get a fish to keep on my desk at work.  I have a large container of water already that I keep 3 bamboo sticks in.  I was wondering if I can put a fish in with the bamboo.  I use bottled water at room temp to keep the container filled with.  If it is ok to keep a fish in there, what kind should I get?  Is there enough room for two fish so that they do not get lonely?  Is there anything else I would need to know before I put the fish in there?  Thanks alot for your help.

Hi Charlie Ann;

There are a few small fish that can live in a container with no filtration. It must have a capacity large enough for them though. You need to have a minimum of one gallon for just one fish and it must have a large surface area. Bettas are the most suitable for it because they have a special breathing organ called a labyrinth that allows them to store gulps of air from the top. The water does not have to be aerated for them. You can only keep one betta at a time. They are also called "Siamese Fighting Fish" because they kill each other. They don't get lonely. Be absolutely sure he can get to the surface past your bamboo plants. He will suffocate if he can't get gulps of air. You will need to change all the water at least once a week. Topping off with fresh water is not enough to keep your fish healthy. All the water must actually be replaced.

Here is more info about them and what they need;

There are two other little fish but the top of the container must be wide and there can only be one fish for every two gallons if there is no filter. White clouds and danios are what you would look for. They are schooling fish though so they do need some of their own kind to pal around with. Contrary to common belief, goldfish are not suited to small containers. They need at least 10 gallons per fish because they get big (6 to 8 inches) and are messy guys. Guppies used to be a good choice but they are just not as strong as they used to be, perhaps due to inbreeding.

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins