Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > BETTA HELP!!!!


23 14:27:35

I have a male betta that is not active and does not eat. I have been going crazy about it because i don't know what is wrong with him. I asked some on this site about it and they told me to make sure the temperature 75-80 F and to feed it frozen peas. I tried all of this. i try to make the water temperature at lest over 70 but ever morning it goes down and i have put hot water in the tank. it helps a little but makes the tank fogy. I also been looking at the fish and i see that tip of his tail is turning black. What does this mean?? Is there a better way to keep the tank at the right temperatress? What should i do?? PLEASE HELP!!!

Hey Annamarie,

He sounds stressed. Pick up a bottle of bettafix, and switch him over thawed peas. Cut the peas up small enough for him to eat, and start the bettafix treatments. Move him to a warm room (like your bedroom) overnight, and hope to keep his water warm. Don't ever add strait hot water to the bowl, because the sudden change will make him irritated. Clean out his water daily (take out about 10% and replace it with clean water) and only feed him once a day, with one or two small peices of pea. As for the bettafix, treat as the bottle directs.

Hope this helps, and I'm sorry things seem to be going wrong. Sorry about the delay too! My laptop got lost at the airport after my trip.