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Betta(SiameseFighting Fish)

23 14:25:01

I actually have a few questions.
I just purchased a Siamese Fighter yesterday. Hes swimming semi-lively. He seems a little lonely though. I've heard that he'll attack most other fish. What should I do?

I'm not sure what exactly to feed him. I have some freeze dried Tubifex and Krill that my other fish eat. I read some where that they'll eat some small freeze dried fish food. I can always resort to flakes though.

I also am wondering to what extent they get to in size.

My last question about Siamese fighters  is on their breeding. What would be the best approach? And will the male make a bubble nest when hes ready without knowing theres a female?

your fighter fish is used to living on his own, but you can have him in a tank with a variety of other fish, tetras, guppy's and any other fish that is peacefull and about the same size and catfish like corydoras and albino catfish. if you want to breed though i suggest no other fish in the tank. he will eat blood worms, flake food and there are beta pellets you can buy. they can grow to about 7 cm in length. have the male in your breeding tank. have the female in a tank next to him after his bubble nest is quite large and the female has a white dot under your gills, they are ready to breed have a plant or something for the female to hide in the breeding tank and then put the female in with the male or in a jar in the tank for the first hour. then let her in the breeding tank. after they breed take the female out.