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Please help me..sharks are sick..

23 14:37:08

I believe my iridescent sharks have ick.They both have white salt looking spots.The large one is beginning to lose his skin(flaking away).I have been told to turn the temp. up and add salt,and I was also told to try ick tablets.Niether seem to be working .Do you know of a remedy to help them.They are 9 yrs. old and I am afraid they are going to die.Please reply.Thanks Laurie

Hi Laurie,
 You absolutely must use ick medicine.  Turning up the temperature speeds up the life cycle of the parasite. That is a useful thing if you have ick medicine in the tank.  If you don't have ick medicine in there, it just makes the parasites breed faster.  I don't think the salt does anything.

 Ick medicine basically uses some form of copper to kill the parasites.   There are many brands, e.g., Rid-Ick, Quick-Cure, etc.  Get one and start using it immediately. Time is important.

-- Ron
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