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My Oscar is very sick

23 11:09:15

My Tiger Oscar has ick and fin rot, so i treated the water with some stuff to kill the ick, and a parasite remover,and some stuff to promote their narural slime and cure the fin rot but ick is cover over 60-80 percent of his body and he is not eating what are the chances of him living. thank you for your time


 Lets start with the fin rot. This disease is 100% preventable with good water quality. We have to medicate one problem at a time. Never add that many medications to the tank at one time. This will cause the fish to get sicker. What size tank is the Oscar in? What is his water temp?

If you think he can handle it, turn the heater up to 86 degrees. Do this slowly so that you do not shock the fish. Add 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt to gallon of water. Add the salt once to the tank. Do not do any water changes until the Ich has been cured. When we up the temp to 86 degrees it kills the Ich faster than if the water was cooler. Once the Ich has been cured, slowly return the temp back to its normal setting. Dissolve the salt in some tank water before you add it to the tank. The salt will help the Ich and the fin rot. Unfortunately, because you added so much medication to the tank it is not a good idea to add any more. It will take a couple of days to stop the Ich process and then a couple more for the dots to go away. To prevent Ich and fin rot always do 25% weekly water changes and remove all uneaten food. If he does not get better in a few days or he gets worse let me know.