Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > sick fantail

sick fantail

23 11:09:33

my faintails keep duying after a few days. I now have another sick one. it just floating around and sits in the corner.. It used to be so energetic. This has happened to me 3 times now. I use pure rainwater, the correct amoount of salt and water conditioner and i have a filter that came wit the taank. The tank is about 15 letres with only 2 fish at a time. I give the tank a full clean every 2 weeks and top up qhen water evapourates. Iv managed to keep my fighter alive for almost a year.. So i know im not that hopeless... Wat the hell am i din wrong??

Hi Raquel,

I hope this helps and I want you to know the original person you asked must have not known the answer.  They sent these to what is called a "question pool" where experts can answer the questions for you.  I don't know how long it was in his box, but we just got the referrals tonight, and I am diligent on answering them as soon as they appear.  With that said, I answered your question as soon as I saw it.


Please don't hold his tardiness against me on the ratings.

I'd be interested in knowing why you use rainwater.  Are you aware of the poisons in the air?  Rainwater is far less good for them than you'd think.  We have highly acidic rain in the US and it's not good for fish.

Please consider using tap water conditioned with a water conditioner instead.  It also will provide the fish with necessary minerals.

If you are talking about Fantail goldfish, they do not require salt!  Don't salt your tank, please.

That is probably the culprit to killing them.  They can have one teaspoon and it won't hurt them, but to keep more than that there at all times is not healthy for them.  Some people keep a teaspoon per gallon in the tank for safety.  Don't put anymore than that in there, please.

Giving tank water isn't cleaning it.  It needs to have the water changed at a rate of 25% every month, in addition to refills.

The filter needs changed monthly and the media needs changed as well.

If Your tank is under 5 gallons, it can't even support more than 1 goldfish.  Goldfisy fry require 5 gallons and adults require 25 to 50 gallons each, because they are heavy poopers.  Just one night in a 5 gallon tank's water, and the water is destroyed.  They need heavy filtration, rated far beyond what they are in.  If you put them in a 25 gallon tank, they need filtration for 50 to 100 gallons.  They are heavy heavy poopers.

This is probably why they keep dying.

I hope this helps and it helps you to make some diligent changes. :)

You're not doing anything "wrong" as much as you just didn't know any better.  I hope you know you can write me anytime, Raquel.  I will help you as much as possible.

Happy fish-keeping.
