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betta - strange behavior

23 15:02:42

hi, i was wondering if you could answer my question--
i have a betta in a round, fairly large sized bowl, and i have a plant
in it.  the plant has a large leaf that's half in the water and half out,
and sometimes my betta will wedge himself between the leaf and
the bowl and stay there for a while, even if it means he's half out of
the water.  yesterday, i saw that while in the position, he bent his
head so that it was completely out of the water, and this lasted for
about 5-10 seconds.  why is he doing this, and will it hurt him?

Hi Laura;

Bettas breathe air from the top so they sometimes like to hang out just at the surface. It helps them get gulps of air quickly and easily. Watch his skin and fins for signs of deterioration though. Sometimes being out of the water too much can cause it to dry out and be damaged. It's probably fine though. Bettas are pretty hardy fish.

But, sometimes they are actually trying to get out because the water conditions aren't good. Be sure to change his water every week. Change 100% weekly if the bowl doesn't have a filter, 25% to 50% weekly if it does have a filter. Use a good water conditioner and be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. Also remove any uneaten food or waste promptly. Decaying organic matter like that can cause fish to become sick.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins