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sick betta help!

23 14:50:19

My betta, Nibbler, might be sick. He is a crowntail and until now, he's been very active and a very good eater. I have had him for four months and I keep him in a little over a gallon bowl. I change the water every 5 or 6 days and add stress coat water conditioner and aquarium salt at every change. Also, the temperature in my apartment is set at 80 degrees. Last night, he started acting strangly. He kept floating motionless at the top of the bowl, then he would sink slowly to the bottom, where he stays for several minutes and then races back up to the top. The really scary thing is that when he sinks, he sinks head first. Also, every now and then, he makes sudden, seemingly-paniced movements as if he is trying to jump out of the bowl and then falls motionless again. He is still eating but not much and the bubble nest is almost gone. Please help.

Hi RG;

Poor guy. It sounds like it could be a swim bladder problem. You could try using "Maracyn 2". It treats internal bacterial infections, just in case that's what is causing the trouble.  You could try feeding peeled and cooked green peas too. Peas act as a laxative. Sometimes constipation affects the swim bladder and causes it to fail. Here is more about it;

I hope he feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins