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Help!! Is this a Tumor, constipated or what

23 14:44:27

Sorry, I did not realize how badly I wrote this.
The fish is a Betta. The lump is huge and the peas do not seem to be working. What does their poop look like?
Do you have and alternate address so I can send you 2 pics?
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Hi.  I am ignorant in alot of fish care. I have never had a problem before so plz be paient.
If he is constipated what is the quickest way to expel the matter.
What is the portion for the Epsom salt bath? How long do I leave him in the bath?
I am doing the pea treatment again but for 3 days this time.
1.the lump is there all the time
its been there quite awhile. it started from being normal to growing slowly to this size and is still growing.
2. I feed him pellets about 5 a day - 800 am, 11 am, noon, 3 pm, 7pm OR 9pm
I have had Bettas (few) that lived 5 years so this is really bothersome to me.
He is very healthy and feisty like the lump does not exist...but it keeps growing and now its starting to affect his swimming.

Feed your fish just once a day, you will be overfeeding if you feed 5 times. What fish is he? It depends as to what species of fish he is, so you know how much salt to put in. I would not use salt to treat constipation. Use shelled and boiled peas for a while to help it pass.
Good luck,

Send me the pictures via
Their poo should be short, and not white and stringy, like it usually is when they are constipated.
Do not feed your betta at all for 48 hours. After that period of time, continue with the boiled peas, and feed him a variety of foods such as bloodworm, brineshrimp and daphnia. That should help hopefully.
Good luck,