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Requirements for an albino oscar

23 14:46:51

Apparently, I've been saving up my money to get what most aquarists adore. OSCARS. I know some of the basic oscar stuff yet such as its tank requirements and what it eats. I do know that especially albino oscars are sensitive to light. Ok here are the questions:
-What size tank do I need since I will be raising a teen oscar?
-What kind of filtration is highly recommended?
-What lighting is highly recommended?
-Should I use gravel or sand?
-What kind of water conditioner should I use?
-What pH is preferably recommend?
-Are the Albinos very sensitive to Plecostomus?

Hi Noorel,
 They aren't any extra sensitive to light because they are not true albinos (i.e., they don't have pink eyes).  "Albino" oscars merely lack the dark pigment in their skin.  

 You will need at least a 50 gallon tank, a 70 would be better.  

 Don't use an undergravel filter.  I strongly suggest something like a biowheel filter or an AquaClear or similar type of external filter, plus I would put an internal Fluval filter in the tank.  

 Lighting is only for your benefit -- the fish couldn't care less about it.

 Do not add salt to the tank.  You only need to remove chlorine or chloramine that comes in your tap water.

 Neutral pH is fine, slightly acidic is fine.  Very alkaline is not good.  pH is not that important so personally unless your water is very alkaline, I wouldn't mess with it.  

 An Oscar eat anything that will fit in its (rather large) mouth.  They may not do it today or tommorrow, but ultimately an oscar will eat all of its tankmates.  This is what they do in the wild and they are very good at it.  So, oscars are best kept either alone or with another oscar, though they don't always get along with each other either.

-- Ron
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