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Large cichlid trouble

23 15:00:58

I was referred to you by Chris Robbins about my cichlid problem. I have a 105 gallon aquarium that has been cycled and the water parameters are all fine. My first initial plan was to add my 12" oscar along with my two 8 inch Severums and two about 8-9 inch tinfoil barbs. When I added these fish, they did fine for a couple of days but then they began to fight and my Oscar made the other fish miserable. My slightly larger severum was also hard on the other barbs and slightly timid severum. Also, none of the fish would ever eat in this aquarium. Except for the tinfoil barbs. Because of all the fighting I had to seperate all the fish into their own aquariums all over again but I left the peaceful Tinfoil barbs in the 105 gallon. My main question is are these fish just not compatible...Or is there anything that can be done to lessen SOME of the aggressive issues and prevent my somewhat more timid fish from being miserable? Also, I have heard many times before that keeping a big group of cichlids instead of just a few would help prevent any one fish from being miserable... Is this true?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Hi Susie,
 Whenever you move cichlids into a new tank, they are required to fight to sort out territories and the pecking order.  
 I wouldn't try to keep a big group of oscars.  Oscars don't play well with others, unless you raise them up together from youngsters.  

  It should be possible to keep an oscar with a couple of large severums but the key is going to be structure in the fish tank.  What you need is some large pieces of driftwood in there to break up the space.  Add a few tall plastic plants and I think it will work.  The key is for the oscar to have part of the tank that he can call home and the same for the severums.

-- Ron
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