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fish help!

23 11:12:40

i bought fish and i have a filter and tap water conditioner and biological aquarium supplement but... when i went to put the fish in the aquarium it was leaking everywhere so i cant put them in tonight. i set up a bowl with the suppliments listed above ( like i scopped the water out of tank when the suppliments had sat for the right amunt of time) the only thing they wont have is the filter... will they be okay.. i have 3 dalmation fish and 1 id shark  

Sorry to hear about this,
The fish should be fine in the bowl, just do a 40% water change every day with conditioned water, make sure the bowl is warm enough, and get them in a new tank asap. Make sure it is a tank made for fish, not reptiles. You might want to get it leak checked before you buy it.