Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My beta Randy is seriously ill!

My beta Randy is seriously ill!

23 15:07:14

I relocated from Chicago to LA and Randy has not eaten. He is also bloated from his front to the middle of his body. It is Very disconcerting. I consulted Petco and they were not that helpful. They gave me Betta fix and Stress Coat. They said that Bettas have been known not to eat when they are moved long distances. I am really afraid of the tumor or bloating. He lives in a small tank. I do not know the exact dimensions. I change the water every week. Please HELP!!!

Best Regards,


Hi Stacy;

Try raising his temperature to 80 or 82 degrees and add a pinch of epsom salts to his water. The temperature helps him digest and the epsom helps eliminate constipation. Once he begins eating, feed him tiny chunks of green peas. This will help expel gas and impacted waste from his intestines. He doesn't need anything else except water condtioner.

Hope Randy feels better soon.

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