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Film on top of Betta bowl

23 15:08:05

I have the beginner betta kit from Petco, I believe it is 1 gallon.  I bought my betta in August.  Lately he has had a film on top of his bowl.  It does not seem to bother him, but he cannot find his food.  I have to tap the bowl and point to his food.  He will follow my finger and eat all of his food.  He has the Hikari pellets.  Today I told Petco the problem.  They told me I need a filter.  I clean his bowl once a week and use spring water, so that there is not any chlorine.  Today I ended up going to Walmart and bought the Aquaview Plus one gallon kit.  I am concerned about using it, but they said I need a filter so the film cannot form.  Do you have any opinion on the Aquaview Plus?  Is it something you are familiar with?  I am nervous about switching him, but right now he is in his original container I purchased him in, so I could transfer the original rocks and plant.  It says to let the filter run for 48 hours before adding fish.  Do you think the film at the top of his bowl could harm him?  Do I really need a filter?

Thank you, Katie

Hi Katie;

All fish benefit from filtration, including bettas. The film on top is usually from the food. Bettas only need 2 or 3 pellets a day. Any more than that is too much and waste often builds up. The fish isn't digesting it all properly so the undigested oils in the excess food are rising to the top.

It is a good idea to let a new tank run for a day or so so you know everything is working properly. I am not familiar with that particular brand but I'm sure your betta will love it!

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