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Betta Gill Flukes

23 14:38:37

I have a Beta that someone in the office gave me and he had fin rot very bad.  I now have that in control but he has gill flukes.  I have been using aquarium salt but would like to know what if there is anything else that will help him heal quicker.

Good afternoon Judie, thank you for your question.

I would recommend you treat with a medicine that contains Praziquantel as the active ingredient. Fluke Tabs would be my next suggestion. Do a Google search on either of these terms and you're sure to find an online retailer that sells them, but check your local fish store first of all.

The only trouble is, is your betta in a bowl? An unheated bowl is going to be tough to treat in. First off, bettas like their water to be kept warm - 78 to 80 degrees. They are more susceptible to illness in water that is much cooler, so unless 78 degrees is room temperature for you and you keep it constant, your betta will need a little heater such as the ones made by Hydor.

Adding extra aeration is of importance when medicating, since medication lowers the dissolved oxygen content of the water. If you can, run an air pump connected to an airstone when administering the medication.

How admirable of you to take in the betta. I am sorry to hear that your co-worker did not know how to, or was not interested in, caring for him properly.  

Best of luck to you, and have a look at if you haven't already - I recommend it to every betta owner!
